Corrective Jaw surgery is the domain of the maxillofacial surgeon. Techniques developed over the last 50 years have led to the optimisation of facial harmony and function. By moving the upper, lower or both jaws, a persons bite can be corrected as well as addressing any aesthetic issues that the patient may have or perceive.
Typical primary concerns for most patients are a problematic dental bite in which the teeth do not meet optimally together with the aesthetic issues developing from this. Some patients during growth, develop either a smaller or larger than usual lower jaw or a gummy smile or a combination thereof.
Incisions are mainly through the mouth and therefore hidden.
Clinical Case
Below is a patient who underwent upper and lower jaw surgery. Her upper jaw was moved up and lower jaw moved forward along with an advancement genioplasty. You can see from the photos quite a dramatic difference between the pre-operative pictures on the left.